The Model of a Good Time: Juju Charmer Summit 2.0 @ cfgmgmntcamp

by Jorge O. Castro on 11 February 2016

Over 100 Juju enthusiasts gathered this week for our second Juju Charmer Summit in beautiful Gent, Belgium as part of the Config Management Camp. This was our first time officially participating and helping to sponsor the event, and we are proud to join the existing Ansible, Chef, CFEngine/Rudder, Foreman, Puppet, and Salt tracks. Over 700 people attended the event, with our own room being visited by over 100 participants from 44 organizations.

We started off with a keynote by Mark Shuttleworth titled “The Magic of Application Monitoring”, and then we had three full days of sessions and workshops:

We’ll publish the videos with slides on the Juju YouTube channel when editing is complete. Many thanks to Bart Smith for providing in-audience videos of select talks.

We will certainly be returning to cfgmgmntcamp next year, and we look forward to continue to participate with our peers to help drive operations at scale!

We’d like to thank the following organizations and projects for participating in our track: Redis Labs, University of Ghent, AGFA, SIDIU, AT Computing, Chorally, Warpnet, Phoops, Dark Horse Comics, University College Gent,, Apache Zeppelin, Madtech, Engineering SRA, Neo Technology, Skymind, Spotify, Analytical Labs, Zentyal, Frogtek, Biodec, Capensis, PCCW Global, Cloudar, Freesolutions, Positive Internet Co, NFLabs, CoScale, Cloudbase Solutions, Johnson and Johnson, Red Hat, IBM, Ghent University, Nulogy, Zero Turnaround, Plista GmbH, Sysart, DHC, Fairbanks, FiSolutions, Puppet Labs, Canonical, Travix, and Sunningdale.

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