Cloud and server

Flexwebhosting spins up services in record time with Canonical

by Alexia Emmanoulopoulou on 14 March 2016

Flexwebhosting is one of the largest web hosting providers in the Netherlands with over 60,000 customers and houses over 6,500 web servers in different data centers in Amsterdam. Working with Canonical and choosing its managed cloud offering Bootstack as well as its service modelling tool Juju helped reduce time to service to minutes rath […]

Cloud and server

Juju GUI 2.1.0 – Juju 2.0 support and improvements to model creation

by Jeff Pihach on 10 March 2016

We are excited to announce a new major release of the Juju GUI with support for Juju 2.0 (currently in beta). Juju 2.0 brings with it a ton of improvements, but one we’d like to highlight is the ability to create new models without needing to bootstrap them one by one. Interested? We explain all […]

Cloud and server

Pentaho Data Integration quickly with Juju

by Guest on 3 March 2016

Tom Barber at Meteorite explains how beneficial Juju Charms has been when migrating customer services from old, tricky servers. I promised a demo of Juju GUI in my earlier blog and we’ve worked hard on a Pentaho Data Integration charm, so I figured we’d combine the two. For those of you who don’t know, Juju […]

Cloud and server

Juju 2.0 and LXD opens a whole new dimension to developing BI apps

by Guest on 1 March 2016

I’ve been itching to write this post since I got back from Config Mgmt Camp in Gent a few weeks ago. The developers over at Canonical are gearing up to launch Juju 2.0. Maybe not yet a household name in the devops land but it is certainly making waves and with a company like Canonical […]

Cloud and server

Deploying Juniper Contrail SDN on Ubuntu OpenStack

by Ellen Arnold on 29 February 2016

In this video, we’re going to show you just how quick and easy it is to deploy Ubuntu OpenStack and Juniper Networks Contrail Networking using Canonical’s cloud services modeling tool, Juju. Juju enables users to quickly model, configure, deploy, scale and manage entire cloud environments with just a few commands. Ubuntu is the most popul […]

Cloud and server

Juju Charmer Summit: Juju and Docker

by Jorge O. Castro on 29 February 2016

 Docker is a great tool for developers, and Ubuntu is the number one platform for deployments by a wide margin. With Juju, deploying Docker is as easy as a visit to the charm store. Join Canonical’s Charles Butler to learn about the endless possibilities of this combination. […]

Cloud and server

Mobile World Congress 2016, Day 4 Recap

by Canonical on 26 February 2016

Software Defined LTE 5G Radio demo at the Ubuntu booth At an event the size of Mobile World Congress, the last day is filled with the hurried rush to get everything in that you might have missed. The major topics of the day were startups and upstarts, and upcoming mobile protocols standards and implementations. There […]

Cloud and server

Mobile World Congress 2016, Day 3 Recap

by Canonical on 25 February 2016

Ubuntu OpenStack running SDN, VNFs and virtualised customer premise equipment (vCPE) The third day of Mobile World Congress was an demonstration in what’s going to be the ‘new normal’. Well, maybe not normal, but it gave us a glimpse into how virtualised network functions (VNFs), industrial IoT, and over-the-top (OTT) services may be evol […]

Cloud and server

Mobile World Congress 2016, Day 2 Recap

by Canonical on 24 February 2016

Day 2 of Mobile World Congress was awesome. The overarching theme of the day was again focused on NFV (Network Functions Virtualisation). But before we get to that, I’m excited to announce that Canonical received a Best of Show award from Trusted Reviews for the BQ Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Tablet. A huge crowd gathered to […]

Cloud and server

Mobile World Congress 2016, Day 1 Recap

by Canonical on 23 February 2016

Bhaskar Gorti, President, Applications and Analytics at Nokia discusses Service Modeling and NFV deploymentThis is my first Mobile World Congress (MWC), and I have to say, the event is truly huge. Canonical is here demonstrating converged mobile/desktop technology, IoT drones and robots, top of rack switch integration on Snappy Ubuntu Cor […]

Cloud and server

Canonical creates first VNF Performance Interoperability Lab (V-PIL)

by Canonical on 22 February 2016

Canonical announces the creation of the first VNF Performance Interoperability Lab for scale out infrastructure Enables service providers to rigorously test their VNF performance and interoperability before deploying in live network architecture Dramatic reduction in cost and time for deploying new services Affirmed, Metaswitch and GENBAN […]

Cloud and server

Juju GUI 2.0.3 released

by Jorge O. Castro on 17 February 2016

The latest release of the Juju GUI has just been packaged up and brings with it a number of small but important bug fixes: Fixed an issue where deploying the same charm multiple times would generate invalid charm names. Fixed an issue where it would require two clicks to click between services on the canvas. […]