Cloud and server

Juju for Telcos and Service Providers Pt. 1

by Artur Tyloch on 1 July 2015

I joined Canonical a year ago to work with the telco ecosystem – Network Operators, Communication Equipment Providers and innovative new players and startups interested in expanding or building their presence in the telco domain. During this year we have worked on many projects focused on the deployment of Virtual Network Functions in clo […]

Cloud and server

Announcing Benchmarking with Juju

by Adam Israel on 25 June 2015

Benchmarking and performance are interesting problems, especially in today’s growing cloud-based microservice scene. It used to be a question of “how does this hardware compare to that hardware,” but as computing and service-oriented architectures grow the question has evolved. How does my cloud and application stack handle this? It’s no […]

Cloud and server

Juju Quickstart 2.2.0

by Francesco Banconi on 19 June 2015

We are happy to announce the 2.2.0 release of Juju Quickstart! Juju Quickstart helps both new and experienced users to quickly start Juju and the Juju GUI, whether they’ve never installed Juju or they have an existing Juju environment running. From the last update on this blog, we introduced several new features like support for […]

Cloud and server

12 Questions about Juju

by Alexia Emmanoulopoulou on 17 June 2015

If you want to get the basics about Juju, here is a good place to start! 1) What is Juju? Juju is a state of the art, open source service modelling tool. It forms part of Ubuntu’s cloud portfolio, together with Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu OpenStack, MAAS for bare-metal provisioning, and Landscape for systems management and monitoring. […]

Cloud and server

Deploying OpenStack from source to scalable multi-node environments

by Corey Bryant on 17 June 2015

The Juju OpenStack charms now have support for deploying OpenStack from source! This means that you can point the charms at the OpenStack git repositories/branches of your choice, whether they’re the well known upstream repos or your own modified repos, and deploy to your choice of substrate via Juju (to metal via MAAS, private/public clo […]

Cloud and server

Mark Shuttleworth’s ODS Vancouver Keynote

by Canonical on 11 June 2015

This year’s OpenStack Summit was the most successful yet; playing host to a record number of exhibitors who excited and inspired over 5,000 visiting delegates. During the course of the week, attendees were treated to a host of keynotes, breakout session and track day presentations; aimed to bring the latest news, views, innovation and opi […]

Cloud and server

Canonical Cloud Chatter: May 2015 Newsletter

by Canonical on 11 June 2015

Summer has arrived (at least in some parts of the world!) and we’ve been busy telling the world about the opportunities created by Ubuntu Advantage Storage and challenging KVM with our LXD ‘lightervisor’. We are proud to maintain our status as the operating system of choice for most production OpenStack cloud deployments, as revealed by […]

Cloud and server

Clearwater and Juju

by Canonical on 11 June 2015

Like our sister project, Calico, we on the Project Clearwater team have been using Juju for some of our orchestration needs. In this blog post, I’m going to talk about what Juju is, why it’s a good fit for IMS orchestration, and what we’ve done recently on our Juju charms. Both the Calico blog linked […]

Cloud and server

Deploy a Kubernetes development cluster with Juju!

by Matt Bruzek on 10 June 2015

Our team has been working to make Kubernetes easy to deploy in a public cloud. In March we created some Juju charms that have the ability to deploy specific releases of Kubernetes on a public cloud. In April we worked to get the charm and bundle code in the Kubernetes project itself. Making it even easier for people to deploy a cluster f […]