Cloud and server

Webinar: Learn the secrets to innovative and scalable VNF deployment

by Tom Callway on 16 March 2017

Experts from Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, and Fraunhofer FOKUS explain how Open Baton, an open source, carrier-grade NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO) platform can integrate with Canonical’s Juju to easily deploy scalable VNF services. If you’re a service provider interested in understanding the state-of-the-art for orchest […]

Cloud and server

Canonical at Google Next 2017

by Alexander Gallagher on 6 March 2017

The dramatic emergence of open source software, together with the SaaS deployment model and cloud computing, has greatly reduced software costs for enterprises, but that has also created new challenges. As many organizations have come to understand, Big Software—dynamic scale-out software architectures such as big data, Openstack or Kuber […]

Cloud and server

Mobile World Congress 2017: day four recap

by Canonical on 2 March 2017

Today was the final day for Mobile World Congress 2017.  It has been a long, hectic, but exciting week. For starters, we had a record number of visitors to Canonical’s Ubuntu booth. The mixture was consumer targeting businesses looking for device updates, IoT advances, and innovation around artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reali […]

Cloud and server

Webinar: Getting started with the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes

by Cezzaine Zaher on 10 February 2017

Discover the simplest and easiest way to stand up and operate a Kubernetes cluster in AWS. Watch our webinar! The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes is a pure-upstream distribution that delivers you the latest version of Kubernetes with built-in community operational knowledge. In this on-demand webinar we cover: how to set up your own […]

Cloud and server

Automate the deployment of Kubernetes in existing AWS infrastructure

by Samuel Cozannet on 8 February 2017

When I talk about Ubuntu and Kubernetes, and how we deploy the latter at Canonical using Juju, the main question I get is: Can you deploy in an existing infrastructure? Often, existing infrastructure means the VPC and/or subnets that I have been allocated to do my work on AWS. What is better than a little […]

Cloud and server

5 Cool things Canonical does with Go

by didrocks on 18 January 2017

We had the recent news that Google’s Go was awarded programming language of 2016 by TIOBE! One of the main reasons for winning is the ease of learning and pragmatic nature. It’s less about theoretical nature and more about hands-on-experience, which is why more and more customers are adopting go in Industrial settings. At Canonical […]

Cloud and server

Join our OpenStack and Containers Office Hours

by Tom Callway on 4 January 2017

Sign-up for a 1 hour web session with an expert from Canonical Starting in 2017, we will be running a series of ‘Office Hours’ online sessions to help community members and customers deploy, manage and scale their Ubuntu-based cloud infrastructure. Upcoming sessions New sessions will be announced soon, stay tuned! What’s covered? These in […]

Cloud and server

What IT directors should know about the economics of OpenStack

by Mark Baker on 3 January 2017

The world of business technology is under tremendous pressure and most organizations are ill-equipped to deal with the challenges and opportunities that are arising. Software as a Service, big data, cloud, scale-out, containers, OpenStack, and microservices are not just buzz-words, they are disrupting traditional business models. Further, […]

Cloud and server

Webinar: Running an enterprise-grade OpenStack without the headaches

by Tom Callway on 7 December 2016

Watch Webinar On-demand In Canonical’s latest on-demand webinar, we explore how to build and manage highly scalable OpenStack clouds with BootStack on a Supermicro reference architecture. Supermicro offers end-to-end green computing solutions for the data center and enterprise IT. Its solutions range from server, storage, blade, workstati […]

Cloud and server

Canonical’s Distribution of Kubernetes reduces operational friction

by Canonical on 1 December 2016

Linux containers (LXC) are one of the hottest technologies in the market today. Developers are adopting containers, especially Docker, as a way to speed-up development cycles and deliver code into testing or production environments much faster than traditional methods. With the largest base of LXC, LXD, and Docker users, Ubuntu has long b […]

Cloud and server

conjure-up Canonical Kubernetes under LXD today!

by Adam Stokes on 21 November 2016

We’ve just added the Localhost (LXD) cloud type to the list of supported cloud type on which you can deploy The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes. What does this mean? Just like with our OpenStack offering you can now have Kubernetes deployed and running all on a single machine. All moving parts are confined inside their […]

Cloud and server

Kubernetes the easy way

by Jorge O. Castro on 17 November 2016

If you’re interested in running Kubernetes you’ve probably heard of Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes the Hard Way. Exercises like these are important, they highlight the coordination needed between components in modern stacks, and it highlights how far the world has come when it comes to software automation. Could you imagine if you had to s […]