Cloud and server

Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju

by dimitern on 8 November 2015

In the past months our Juju Core Sapphire team has been working on the design, planning, and implementation of a set of extended networking features for Juju 1.25 and the upcoming (January 2016) 1.26 releases. The main focus is enabling users of Juju to have a finer-grained control over how their services are deployed on read more » […]

Cloud and server

Everyone Can Have a New “Datacenter” Right Now, Even You!

by Randall Ross on 29 October 2015

A (new) datacenter? Me? Really? Why would I want that? Answer 1: Because if you’re an individual, you have problems to solve that cannot be solved by consuming one more app from a store. Answer 2: Because if you’re a company, you have problems to solve that cannot be solved economically (if at all) by […]

Cloud and server

Now you’re charming with layers

by Cory Johns on 29 October 2015

Charming with layers is a relatively new approach to writing charms that we, as the Juju community, are begining to use. The idea is to allow better re-use of common code in charms, more well-defined and consistent implementations of interface protocols, and generally allow charm authors to focus on the parts of the charm that […]

Cloud and server

OpenStack Summit Tokyo: Day One

by Canonical on 28 October 2015

Yesterday was our first full day here at OpenStack Summit Tokyo, and the themes seemed pretty clear. Increased focus on applications and containers – containers – containers. The best part about that is how validating it feels. We’ve been focused on improving the usability of containers for several years now, and that’s been realized in […]

Cloud and server

Charming 2.0 – Now with 100% more awesome Pt.2

by Charles Butler on 26 October 2015

Continuing from my blog last week, lets rewind to looking at a basic bash based historical charm. ├── config.yaml ├── hooks │   ├── config-changed │   ├── install │   ├── relation-name-relation-broken │   ├── relation-name-relation-changed │   ├── relation-name-relation-departed │   ├── relation-name-relation-joined │   ├── start │   ├── […]

Juju status flasher on Ubuntu Snappy

by Tom Callway on 26 October 2015

Matt Williams shares a proof of concept project I’ve been working on that combines the worlds of Ubuntu Snappy and Juju. View original Google+ post […]

Cloud and server

MySQL performance tuning between disk types

by Adam Israel on 22 October 2015

Introduction We sat down with the intent to benchmark various flavors of MySQL (Oracle MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona) on Amazon EC2 in order to measure the difference between the three on identical hardware, backed by spinning rust and SSD storage. The wheels on that bus came off quickly, though, as we realized there was no […]

Cloud and server

Charming 2.0 – Now with 100% more awesome

by Charles Butler on 22 October 2015

Editors Note: This post is one of many in a series covering the newpatterns in charming. This first post will be information heavy andcover a walkthrough of the techonologies at play. Video content andadditional tutorials will follow.It’s been an exciting couple of months for the Juju Charmers. If you’ve beenfollowing the Juju mailing lis […]

Cloud and server

Juju Big Data at Strata+Hadoop World

by Andrew McLeod on 19 October 2015

Earlier this month, myself and Kevin — another member of the Juju big data team — attended the 2015 Strata+Hadoop World conference in New York City. As my first big data conference since joining the Juju team, it was an impressive experience, both running the competition pod at our Canonical booth and hearing speakers go […]

Cloud and server

Announcing the 2nd Juju Charmer Summit

by Jorge O. Castro on 19 October 2015

After a wonderful start in Washington DC the Juju Charmer Summit is back! This time we’ll be colocated with Config Management Camp, 1-3 February 2016, in beautiful Gent, Belgium. Join us for three full days of training, workshops, talks, and community collaboration with other automation tool communities. We’ve launch a little mini-site wi […]